What are the business hours?
Business hours are Monday-Friday 9am-5pm MST
How can i order?
The website will remain open unless we receive a high volume of orders. In this case the website will be locked until we get current orders out, which then we will reopen the website.
Do you offer discount codes?
We do! Please follow our social media to see our brand ambassadors/reps codes that are available.
Can i request colors or prints not on the website?
Absolutely! Please send us a message to either the FB business page or email to get a custom order placed.
Will you do pre-orders when a item sells out fast?
Unfortunately we have decided to not do any pre-orders at this time. If something sells out fast we will consider suggestions on restocking.
I just placed my order, what now?
Wait to receive a email with shipping information. We have a current TAT (turn around time) of 1-2 business days (RTS) and 5-7 business days (non RTS), this can change due to amount of orders.
I have a problem or question about my order, who do i contact?
Please send customer service a email to tinypineappleboutique@gmail.com so we can resolve any issue or answer any questions you might have. Our current response time is 24-48hrs.
Do you offer refunds or exchanges?
We do not offer refunds, exchanges, or cancellations under any circumstance. All sales are final. In the case that it is a mistake on our end, we will correct the issue. Shop credits will no longer be available, in the occasion we do give that option and it is chosen. It will be FINAL, if shop credit is chosen we will not exchange it for a refund at a later time. No exceptions.
My package has not moved or updated, what do i do?
We will not be held responsible for packages that have been lost, stolen, or damaged during shipping. We try our best to find solutions so please reach out so we can help you resolve it. We know how important happy mail is.